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Among birds, there are several species characterized by certain attributes which has given Mother Nature, we can cite as example, the peacock plumage, for his song to the lark and the nightingale, but only one prominent peak on toucan bird precious, almost endangered because their reproduction is very slow and predation is very fast.
Considered one of the most colorful animals in the South American jungle, the toucan is a highly sociable bird that is distinguished by the size of its beak, which has to reach one third of its total length. The toucan is the common name that is known to this species as part of the family of ranfastidas (Ramphastos, climbing birds with fingers 1 º. Y 4 º backward) and the order Piciformes, including at least 40 species Birds of tropical America, consisting of various genus of the neotropical fauna, whose highly distinctive character, yet sufficient to distinguish at first sight of any other groups ornitilógicos. Of these characters the most notable are the peak, which is huge, yet very light.
Its outer shell is somewhat elastic, very thin, smooth and somewhat translucent, the interior is a mass of cells which are distributed among the branches of the olfactory nerves. Nostrils open at the very base of bill are the edges of the timber, and the color of the peak itself is always lively, often brilliant and varied, offering a striking picture. The toucan's beak has a sharp profile, bold and bright colors with built-in recognition among members of the species. Likewise the peak is thought to act in an intimidating manner compared to other birds. The long and remarkable peak allows the toucan get the fruits and be recognized by other members of their species especially in the wedding party.In young toucans, the peak is much smaller than in adults, but in the plumage, there are few differences in age or sex. The eyes are always surrounded by a kind of bare skin, sometimes in bright colors. Tongue is very long, thin, crushed, pointed, the feet are sturdy and cigodáctilos (fingers interconnected) concave wings clipped and the tail uniform with a square in other genera, but it's always remarkable how easily toucan lift the tail or bends upward, as if were moving through a spring.
Habits are arboreal birds live in the great forests, the general in small flocks, which reveal the presence of harsh and discordant cries.

Certain genera prefer moist forests, others look cooler land dwelling at 2000 or 3000 on the sea level. Those who live in high places always have a plumage more compact and gloomy than those living in lowlands and its peak is stronger, harder and heavier.This species is frugivorous, feeding all of them consists mainly of fruits, which represent the peak and downs with a toss of her head. But sometimes eat other birds eggs and newly hatched birds. In captivity they also give caterpillars, insects and raw minced meat, which they accept with great ease and pleasure. It is not uncommon for the species generally known in southern Mexico as "pilin" issued by the cry, feeding on fruit orange rubber tree and the black bird beak bigger and gorgeous color, called "peak ax ", eating a round green fruit with water to the center of the club called Ironwood.
Toucans mostly nest in hollow trees, dry bullrings in the nest of termites, a black comb and easy penetration to the hole, their reproductive cycle is composed of only two eggs, as birds are known to are oviparous and homeotherms, and the method they use to make their nests, toucans are considered a carpenter by trade ;
The old ornithologists divided into two kinds of toucans toucans and arasaris true.The largest are the ramphastos, reach 60 cms. long. Among its outstanding variety of amazon toucan, green peak and red and green crop species of andigena, which crosses the Andes in search of food. For his part, aracari, common in zoos and pet shops live in the rainforests of Mexico, Central America and Venezuela.
Toucans ramphastos true or are they large square tail, the largely black plumage and bright peak.Arasaris are smaller, its tail is stepped, wedge-shaped and its plumage is green, red and yellow.Andean Andigena or have the tail like the arasaris, but its appearance is rather that of toucans themselves, and their plumage is thick and soft. 

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